Everywhere is the same but a little different; palm trees waiting to greet you on Oritiz Moreno City, giant spinning death spikes grafted onto a coriolis starport at Bacon City. The naysayers would say if you've docked once you've seen it all but there they maybe didn't stop to enjoy the view. Taking a load off and grabbing some more coffee it seemed Sirius Corp were running an event. After a few drinks and some banter there was a moment of over extending. Pledging to join Li Yong-Rui without really thinking it through.
Bleeding ozone and counting limbs several hours later it became apparent getting involved in the intergalactic powerplay was over reaching at this time. The five million weekly salary "just" from helping out made most pilots weak at the knees. Much like any MLM it turns out its much more involved than previously thought, and certainly more dangerous!
Within a few hours there were more deaths in a night than all of the nights since the pilots federation stamped the all clear on the license. Six souls sent to dust! in just hours. Once your flagged as Yong-Rui's your anyone else's fair game!
Jera holdings and the democrats of spoc 900 both have the word and their cheque books out for anyone greasing me. All fair kills, but since they were playing power games there's still a bounty for unfair sport!
Moving to Sirius space and abandoning the best trade route found was sadly necessary in order to save an ever increasing bounty.
Back in Lembava the truth came out; seems if you want to the bling you gotta spill the blood; merits in Sirius comes from the undermining of systems in enemy space. In short killing is the name of the game for the major leagues. Kill enough of your enemy, running up bounties left right and centre (no fair play needed) and they'll spot you the five mill for being a hostile mediator, but definitely not my Jazz!