After that last run and some serious piggy bank raids in the night the type 6 is in pieces over at Itza again; downgraded to below stock value, poor thing humbled to sell up the parts to afford the asp explorer although its chasis is in storage next to the cobra (which I also need to take for a walk!)
The sluggish taming of the beast continues with each trip. The curses and shouts as it flew past the dock by a Km or bumped to a halt half a spaceport from the parking spot. There was even a brief disappointment until they came swooping in. Three more this time, all torn apart, first the diamond back scout, then an eagle, then a cobra. The rush of the kill and taste of the reward bouncing up on HUD in bright white neon each time was intoxicating. Why anyone would give up that rush of the kill to a weapons specialist in control down stairs I cannot imagine! They should have used it to better offset the power usage cost.
After those first kills, the upgrades and such the thing is feeling great. Still 80 tons of cargo with exploration friendly setup in toe. The fog horn of the D-Scanner makes a familiar sound but it does make a hell of a noise.