In the year of sol 3301 and beyond the mild mannered scribblings of a pilot gone mad waiting for the planetary scanner to finish...
Offnut enterprise puts on a light breakfast buffet, in celebration of trade rank of "Broker" there's a quick dash to round up some lukewarm coffee and stale doughnuts make for a feast before hitting the local contact hub to find another treat. The Volkhabe blue united solutions seemed to really want the pilot fuffymonster killed; leaving a 853,015 credit bounty to cash in. Sadly for fuffymonster his attempt to pirate the multi-cannon cobra too much for him. Whenever hunting, no when to pick your prey and when to run. The calculation of survival is better over cautious even when elite. To quote wiser words only enter into victory, not the possibility of defeat.
With a golden handshake at Lembava a small pin is handed over for a new rank within the Li Yong-Rui hierarchy, alongside a large envelope containing this week's "comp funds". The five million credit stick bumps the bank balance to over ten million and a sense of privilege sinks in; The fourth rank the only viable point in the powerplay dance achievable without a hundred million buy in and contacts outside my immediate reach.
The high notes of the day took a slam back to reality with huge dint. A wing of Hudson's goons noticed the ship passing back to Avik space. The three cobras dived into a fury and tore the ship apart; no escape just an eject and one million insurance claim before rushing off to safe space. Ten percent of the revenue gone in one instant alongside the bitter taste of defeat is hard to take.