
New Horizons Orbital in Te Kaha sat alone in the cold depths of space two hundred light years outside the "bubble". Sirius Corporation had known better times, there influence all but waning in the disenfranchised masses of the station. Many unemployed had taken upon themselves a less savory career, corralling their equals in chains and herding them onto ships for sale in the nearest empire facility or another.

The rather skittish representative at Sirius Corporation foyer seemed happy to have "safe" company but was of little help. Only letters, oh my, endless letters to return to the various ports of Sirius Corp that the poor fellow had any standing in; no doubt begging for his quick expedition. Poor fool! No doubt sent here to die, easily replaced and long forgotten but he had credits and more to pay for them all.

Rounded up a few narcotics and a few combat stabilizers before heading back, and back again! determined to get to Almagest by the end of the day. I was, in this round trip, cutting it short. The quick drop at some party station in the middle of nowhere and a military port cost the majority of the evening but landed at Te kaha in a blaze, before a fiery exit to Almagest as the days swan song called.