
Mostly harmless!

The message flashing up over the overlay, punctuated by the pop bang explosion of the Casey Jones a criminal wanted by the feds. Three days on the job and the reality is settling in and the gloves are certainly off. Stepped up the exploration plans; hunting off the grid for a sweet spot no one has uploaded. A couple of nice finds on the ass end of Li Yong-Rui's influence but still a little too close for comfort. Several dead along the way, pirates each and everyone, bounties paying their way further out into the unknown.

Apalok was hot so headed for goldstein port to grab some more franchise packages from Sirius HQ. Why we have to pick these up from their offices is confusing but at ten thousand a pack its a hefty investment in Sirius Corp from the ground up!

Slipping fifty tons of performance enhancers and a handful of industrial packages needed in the outer edges fill the hold as Lembava faded into the background as the FSD hit zero. V774 Tauri a few jumps later, the quiet peace of "safe" space dulls the senses hoping one jump after another lazly tapping the heatsink eject button to speed up the run.

A hasty rush of palladium gave an added bonus to the loop, a healthy compensation for the time wasted searching for discounted armor in between queues. The hunt continues! TBA